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We probably don’t need to tell you that your checkout counter is a pivotal area of your retail store. After all, it’s the place where you transact customer purchases.

But there’s more to it than that. Done right, your checkout area can also increase awareness, facilitate additional sales, and leave a great lasting impression on your shoppers.

So why do so many retailers get it wrong?

Read on to discover the dos and don’ts of great retail counter displays:

What NOT to do with your retail Counter Display

1. Don’t treat it like a clearance aisle

“If you are trying to move slow-sellers, the counter is not the place,” states The Retail Doctor. “There’s a reason they didn’t sell in the first place.”

Only display engaging, useful, and reasonably priced products at your checkout counter. Otherwise, you’ll disrupt customer interest and lose out on additional sales.

2. Don’t confuse customers with your signage

The Retail Doctor recalls waiting in line at an auto parts store and reading a sign at the register: “Need new windshield wipers?”

The problem was, the windshield wipers weren’t even by the sign, they were behind him, and he didn’t feel like losing his place in line to shop again. Needless to say, he was frustrated.

Now consider the photo below:

Image source:  The Retail Doctor

This Christmas display features one simple product with a compelling sign right above it needs to look elsewhere. It’s designed for customers to easily make a purchase decision at the counter-eliminating frustration on their way out the door.

3. Don’t rely on your cashiers to sell counter items

Sure, you can use human interactions to boost your sales by scripting something for your cashiers to say like, “Did you see that our batteries are 2 for $5 right now?” But what are the odds that they’ll use the script? And if they do, will their canned script convince the customer to buy?

You can help them out by creating awesome signage. So, in the case of the battery promotion, a sign that reads, “Make sure your flashlight works!” placed right above the most common-sized battery directly below it has a better chance of inspiring a purchase.

4. Don’t create a maze of impulse items at the checkout

While placing merchandise at your retail counter that sparks an impulse buy is a great idea, giving your customers a huge maze of products to choose from may have the opposite effect.

Avoid overwhelming consumers and forcing your cashiers to answer more product questions-which will slow down the checkout line. Visual merchandising is all about simplifying the purchase process. If you get the customer thinking again, that, too, slows down your line.

What you should DO for a great retail counter display

1. Focus on ONE product

Have you ever noticed how luxury retailers often display an item in a standalone display case while discount stores overload their shelves with merchandise?

That’s because, in retail, space communicates value. A cluttered countertop with too many displays will reduce the product’s perceived value and overwhelm the customer’s ability to make a decision.

Instead, focus the customer’s consideration on one item (as in the photo above). “The lack of choice makes it an easy yes/no decision,” says The Retail Doctor.

2. Make sure the featured product is something EVERYONE can use

As we’ve previously mentioned, your retail counter is a pivotal area of your store, providing another opportunity to increase your average sale amount with impulse purchases.

But that all depends on choosing the right products.

Make sure the items at your checkout display are small and easy to browse. If you sell clothing, for example, you could include accessories or makeup-often forgotten items that spark a need. The items should also be affordable (more on that below) and universally useful, no matter the age or gender.

These factors will increase the odds of people picking up your countertop display items and adding them to their shopping carts.

3. Keep the price point under $10

The items at your checkout counter should be affordable enough that customers don’t need to think over the decision to buy them.

As The Retail Doctor points out, “Most customers can drop a ten-dollar bill without noticing.”

Whether you include eyeglass repair kits, lip balms, mini toothbrush kits, or car chargers, you can test out different price points to see which ones deliver the best sales results.

4. Change counter displays weekly to keep them fresh

When it comes to retail counter displays, “Timing is everything.”

A retail display of gloves, twine, and affordable gardening tools at a home store on the first nice weekend of spring would be a great way to catch the attention of gardeners.

Seasonal products are a great choice for your checkout because it makes it easy for you to switch out point-of-purchase displays regularly; a crucial strategy in keeping your displays fresh and encouraging impulse buys from repeat customers who’ve most likely seen your displays before.

5. Use Targeted Signage

It’s important to have signage throughout your store. But at your checkout area, it’s essential. This is where you have another opportunity to advertise impulse buys and remind customers about sales or related products they may have forgotten.

Your signage should always be professional-you’re not going to entice anyone to spend more with a carelessly handwritten note. Use bright and/or bold colors to grab the attention of shoppers, as well as verbiage that creates a sense of urgency.

Image Source: Slimline Warehouse

It should only take about seven words to grab a customer’s interest. And, as with all other signs, your goal is to paint a picture. Something like, “Spiced Almonds Make a Tasty Afternoon Snack!” is more tempting than a sign that simply reads “2 for $5.”

Final thoughts . . .

Retail counter displays, also referred to as point-of-purchase displays, can be one of the most underutilized tools in retail.

That’s unfortunate, because “When you consider that some 70 percent of retail purchases aren’t decided until the customer is in the store, it’s clear what impact something as simple as a POP product display can have,” says The Balance.

If only 10% of your customers add a $10 item to their transaction, your ROI is going to be fairly substantial.

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