• Fresh Content
• Optimized Pages
• Automated Tags

• In-store & Online
• Product Options
• Easy Reordering

• Reward Points
• Online & In-store
• Gift Cards

• Inventory on Google
• Automated Emails
• Local Ads
When you’re busy running a retail business, you need retail eCommerce solutions that are designed for your business. You have enough to keep track of, so you need a solution that keeps everything you need in one place and provides you with every eCommerce tool you can imagine. Get a website that generates more traffic and drives more sales, all while keeping your online and in-store inventory in sync with Rain’s eCommerce POS integration. You have a POS system, inventory, rental systems, and more all at your fingertips with Rain’s solution.
Schissler Academy of Fine Arts LLC
This POS system has worked beautifully for our art academy and art supply store. The Rain staff has always been helpful and went out of their way to help. Also, the fact that Rain is open to our needs for improving how the system would work even better for our business
You need to keep track of so many moving parts to run your business, and we’ve got the tool you need to keep track
of everything from marketing to rentals to inventory to loyalty programs all in one powerful solution.
• Fresh Content
• Optimized Pages
• Automated Tags
• In-store & Online
• Product Options
• Easy Reordering
• Reward Points
• Online & In-store
• Gift Cards
• Inventory on Google
• Automated Emails
• Local Ads
Really WOW your customers with a professional website that’s also designed to rank.
A great POS system is a necessity for a retail business, and you can have the most advanced system—that’s also seriously easy to use.
Trust is key with business, and with Rain’s solution,
you’ll get more reviews and boost your rankings.
Future proof your business with unmatched point-of-sale and website features tailored fitted to optimize your sales process.