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Humans are a visual species. The majority of what the brain processes is through the sense of sight – a key reason why visual merchandising impacts in-store sales. Every display – from the storefront window to the end caps, cash wraps, and signage – has the power to increase sales. Through a variety of techniques, it’s possible to maximize the power of a visual merchandising strategy to engage customers, improve their overall store experience, and provide solutions for their needs and wants.

Use these eight techniques to be a more effective visual merchandiser and increase customer brand awareness and the store’s overall conversion rate:

#1. Always Consider Color

A color strategy, when creating a visual merchandising display, can attract customers’ attention and influence their decision to purchase a product. Whether setting up a window display or interior displays in the back of the store, use color in one of these three ways:

  • Monochromatic: Single base color and its various shades
  • Complementary: Combination of colors that are opposite one another on the color wheel – such as red-orange and blue-green
  • Analogous: Three colors adjacent to one another on the color wheel – such as orange, yellow-orange, and yellow

A solid color backdrop in a neutral shade often works best when the product display has bold colors.

Pro tip: Keep the backdrop color monochromatic – so the walls, floor, and even ceiling don’t detract from the products.

#2. Keep an Eye on Height

Displays that showcase items at eye level attract more attention than those that force a customer to look down or up. The average eye level in a retail space is approximately 61 inches measured from the floor. Another option is to use a staggered-height method – especially effective for displays on tables. Staggered heights combine a variety of levels to create visual interest.

#3. Utilize Lighting

Lighting creates atmosphere and is an important visual element that sets the mood. A spotlight can work when you want to highlight a single, specific item – while accent lighting on lower-level shelves is a great way to draw customers’ attention to those products.

#4. Practice the Rule of Three

The rule of three is grouping items in sets of three. The asymmetry in trios or sets of three typically appeals to the eye and makes an impact on a visual merchandising display. The three products don’t need to be identical, but they should be related closely – ideal for cross-merchandising. Staggering heights with a trio also draws the eye and enhances visual communication.

#5. Employ the Pyramid Principle

The triangular shape of a pyramid works great when creating a concept for a merchandise display. The pyramid principle is simple: The largest/tallest item is placed center with smaller items grouped on the outer edge. The largest/tallest item is the focal piece of this type of display with the other items creating the “steps” of the pyramid. It offers a variety of heights and keeps the customers’ eyes moving about the display. The longer a customer looks at a display, the more likely a sale is made.

#6. Clear Price Point Placement

Customers generally don’t like asking for a price or having to spend time searching for the price. Clear price points on displays can be incorporated with digital signage or larger signs when targeting value-oriented customers. Rely on small price cards for high-end displays and opt for creativity on themed displays.

#7. Play to Customer Movement Patterns

Determine the high-traffic areas of your store layout and place your displays to capture these movement patterns of a potential customer. Any products displayed in window displays should be easily accessible and nearest the storefront. Display necessity items at eye level – but farther back in the store so customers must move through the space, discovering “wants” as they make their way to what they need. Thus, increasing the potential for larger sales.

If your retail store sells clothing, the fashion design employed on the mannequins of your sales floor, as well as your interior design elements send strong visual cues to the shopper and can either enhance or distract from the retail experience.

#8. Incorporate Technology

Enhance displays with technology such as interactive touchscreens or other digital elements. Touchscreens incorporated into your visual display engage the customer. Digital signage allows for easy adjustments when running special promotions and flash sales.

The use of various retail merchandising techniques – such as utilizing the rule of three or capitalizing on customer movement patterns – can elevate your visual merchandising. Try these tips to create displays that engage the customer, reflect your brand and, ultimately, influence sales.

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